
Archive for June, 2011

Okay, I admit – I’ve really slacked off on this whole blogging thing. But, in the crazyness that has been my life for the past couple weeks I hope you’ll be able to forgive me…and to help with that, I’ll give you a brief glimpse into the aforementioned crazy:

1. Moving from the Bronx to PA
Also known as frantically throwing the contents of my life into assorted tupperware bins, backpacks, bags, purses, and any other available containers. Which also includes a floor lamp, a fridge, and a TV. Oh, and did I mention the kitchen supplies?

2. Moving from PA to NYC
Dumping contents of said haphazardly-packed containers onto the floor of my bedroom (which, before, seemed a reasonable size to do this on) and sorting through the ruckus to repack all of the “necessities.”

And what the hell is a neccesity anyway? There’s no standard list of them – trust me, my conception of them and my Mom’s are quite different. Which makes for an interesting packing experience for sure.

3. Unpacking/attempting to organize my life at Lincoln Center
Which, by the way, is amazing. I always thought I lived in New York City (okay, technically I do), but it’s so different

Photo cred to my talented roommate

seeing it from my window in the Bronx versus being in the middle of it. And I only get to stay 2 months? Unfair.

4. Starting my internship at Penguin Group

So, yeah. Crazy. But it all boils down to the main issue: I don’t have any baking ingredients. Like, nada. So while I wait for flour/sugar/butter/food in general to go on ridiculous sale at the grocery store, please pardon this poor college student’s lame excuse. I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can scrounge up enough to bake something.

Or. I could go to a different room each time asking for one ingredient…but I’m thinking I’d rather not be that girl. I’m enough stereotypes as it is without adding that on there.

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